Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Book I'm Most Anticipating in 2012

It's an embarrassment of riches, really; we live in an age where great resources for understanding the Bible are plentiful. What a blessing. Or, what a distraction! With the glut of resources, I'm constantly being reminded that I am simply not able to read all of the great books that are being published. As I get intentional about what I read, the need for good practical books remains. For example, my wife and I are currently reading Tim Keller's book on marriage out loud to each other, and it's been amazing. Likely the best book on marriage either one of us have ever read! But the focus of my reading is usually on what I might call 'tool books,' or books that are really tools to help me better read and understand the Bible for myself. I spend the weight of my time there, because these books help me to dig for myself into God's Word.

Kingdom through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants

For me, then, the most anticipated book release of 2012 is "Kingdom Through Covenant," by Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum. In this book, an Old Testament Professor(Gentry) and a Systematic/Biblical Theology Professor(Wellum) team up to examine what they call the backbone of both testaments. Here is the publisher's description:

Many theological discussions come to an impasse when parties align behind either covenant theology or dispensationalism. But Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum now propose a significant biblical theology of the covenants that avoids the extremes of both classical systems and holds the potential to break the theological impasse. Kingdom through Covenant is not a system-driven work, but a careful exposition of the covenants as key to the narrative plot structure of the whole Bible. 
Kingdom through Covenant emphasizes the importance of the covenant concept throughout Scripture, showing that crucial theological differences can be resolved by understanding how the biblical covenants unfold and relate to one another. Rather than looking at covenant as the center of biblical theology, the authors show how the covenants form the backbone of Scripture and the key to understanding its overarching story. They ultimately show that the covenant concept forms a solid platform for systematic theology. 
By incorporating the latest available research from the ancient Near East and examining implications of their work for Christology, ecclesiology, eschatology, and hermeneutics—Gentry and Wellum present a thoughtful and viable alternative to both covenant theology and dispensationalism.

Canadians can pre-order it at a hefty discount here.

Americans can get an even better discount here.

Buy it and read it!

(Did I mention that both of these professors are Canadians? From my neck of the woods? The potential blessing of reading it just multiplied tenfold!)