I've known for a while that Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia has been working on getting some of its classroom audio on iTunes for free download. For quite a while I've been making use of Reformed Theological Seminary and Covenant Seminary's free classes, and Westminster would be a welcome addition, in my mind. Well, yesterday I did the search at the iTunes store, and found MANY classes available for free download. I nabbed two different counseling classes with lectures by Powlison, Welch, etc, a New Testament class by Moises Silva, apologetics by Van Til, and others. I'm not tech-savvy enough to know how to link to iTunes stuff, so I'll tell you how to search: 1) open iTunes store; 2) type in 'Westminster' in the search box; 3) when the results come, find iTunesU on the top left side and it will open the Westminster Seminary lectures. It's easy to download invidual lectures or whole classes (click on 'get tracks'). A few years ago, listening to Keller and Clowney's RTS class entitled 'Preaching Christ in a Postmodern World' was VERY helpful in shaping my preaching. I look forward to more from the boys at Westmin!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Westminster Seminary Classes on iTunes!!!
I've known for a while that Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia has been working on getting some of its classroom audio on iTunes for free download. For quite a while I've been making use of Reformed Theological Seminary and Covenant Seminary's free classes, and Westminster would be a welcome addition, in my mind. Well, yesterday I did the search at the iTunes store, and found MANY classes available for free download. I nabbed two different counseling classes with lectures by Powlison, Welch, etc, a New Testament class by Moises Silva, apologetics by Van Til, and others. I'm not tech-savvy enough to know how to link to iTunes stuff, so I'll tell you how to search: 1) open iTunes store; 2) type in 'Westminster' in the search box; 3) when the results come, find iTunesU on the top left side and it will open the Westminster Seminary lectures. It's easy to download invidual lectures or whole classes (click on 'get tracks'). A few years ago, listening to Keller and Clowney's RTS class entitled 'Preaching Christ in a Postmodern World' was VERY helpful in shaping my preaching. I look forward to more from the boys at Westmin!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Gospel Song - Animated Video
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Why does the KJV have more verses than my NIV?
Have you ever wondered why modern translations of the Bible don’t have certain verses found in the King James Bible? This can be a sensitive pastoral issue, especially in some regions of the United States.
I occasionally get requests for recommended resources on how to respond, and thought I’d pull together a few popular-level pieces in this post.
Here is New Testament scholar Daniel Wallace:
The Greek text which stands behind the King James Bible is demonstrably inferior in certain places. The man who edited the text was a Roman Catholic priest and humanist named Erasmus. He was under pressure to get it to the press as soon as possible since (a) no edition of the Greek New Testament had yet been published, and (b) he had heard that Cardinal Ximenes and his associates were just about to publish an edition of the Greek New Testament and he was in a race to beat them. Consequently, his edition has been called the most poorly edited volume in all of literature! It is filled with hundreds of typographical errors which even Erasmus would acknowledge.
Wallace highlights two examples, starting with Revelation 22:
In the last six verses of Revelation, Erasmus had no Greek manuscript (=MS) (he only used half a dozen, very late MSS for the whole New Testament any way). He was therefore forced to ‘back-translate’ the Latin into Greek and by so doing he created seventeen variants which have never been found in any other Greek MS of Revelation! He merely guessed at what the Greek might have been.