Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tim Kerr - The Prayer For Power

One of the many joys of attending the Sovereign Grace Ministries' Pastor's conference on November 2-4 was getting to hang out a bit with some other Canadians who also made the trip down to Maryland. One of those Canadians is a Toronto Pastor named Tim Kerr. I've only heard Tim speak a few times (at a pastor's fellowship I attend), and I don't know him well, but he's respected by so many of my friends that there was a very quick 'trust' (on my end anyway).

Anyway, at the conference last week I learned that Tim would soon be traveling from his church of 100 in Toronto, to preach at Covenant Life Church (5000 on a given Sunday), and I've been praying for him ever since. I just saw that the audio for this very message is up and running here. I have not yet listend to it, but if it's anything like his Toronto Pastor's Fellowship messages, it will be very powerful!

Again, give it a listen here.

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